

COVID-19 has created an abundance of unexpected opportunities for healthcare technology companies. eNano Health Limited is jumping in with both feet to manage outbreaks and identify future indicators of viral loads.

eNano has a long history in the healthcare technology industry, starting with providing electronic medical records to US-based physicians and wellness providers. During this time, Chief Scientist Patrick Leung recognized how combining data points identifies future health concerns that patients can mitigate through awareness with lifestyle changes, often years in advance of a diagnosis. Mr. Leung then focused on identifying other data points that could enhance their program and settled on saliva as a critical focus. eNano uses their Hong Kong research lab to isolate these data points in saliva and create new tests centered on specific risks and what lifestyle changes may prevent future issues.

Winnie Leung, President, and CEO states, “We can combine existing credible research, with the data we isolate in saliva, like amino acids and various biomarkers, that when combined with even simple surveys, can point to early risks indicators of concerning diseases like cancer, diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular diseases where early intervention via healthy lifestyle changes and treatment is a gamechanger. This idea is exciting, and we have moved forward seeking potential US-based partners.”

COVID – 19 has escalated some of their research because, as with any disease or foreign intruder in our bodies, saliva shows the body’s response to viruses. We can use saliva in multiple ways to assist in pandemic control. eNano has two key areas of research currently developing. They are,

1.) Finding early indicators of the immune system’s activation in response to viral infection to suggest temporary self-quarantine to protect their family, co-workers, and community and deploy wellness regimes – like specific foods or supplements. eNano’s saliva test can isolate data (in a particular number range) that shows something like a virus is active in our system. This allows for detection, early isolation, and early self-care.

2). Showing efficacy rates of current vaccines. Just like with the virus itself, every person responds differently. A saliva test can show the immune system’s response to vaccination. This knowledge allows organizations, governments, and individuals to move forward with confidence knowing they are safe as evidenced by the positive confirmation from the post-vaccine test.

eNano is currently invested in pilot programs in Hong Kong and the United States. John Seely, Executive Director of The Empowering Lives Foundation in Western Pennsylvania and Cleveland, Ohio (later this year), is actively engaged in a pilot program with eNano. He shares his enthusiasm, “This could be invaluable for us. While we have only recently begun our pilot program, we are already discovering evidence of vaccine efficacy and other wellness indicators leading to refining programs for the people we support. The more we know about the at-risk population we serve, the better we can create wellness through nutritional support and lifestyle changes to support them in living healthy, independent everyday lives. Many of them have an incomplete medical history; this tool gives us better insights at a low cost. Coupled with detecting a virus early, we can reduce the risk of spread or greater complications, possibly reducing healthcare costs. We are excited to see where this leads.”

To connect with The Empowering Lives Foundation, contact John Seely:


以唾液测试专利技术  提供1,000个免费检测名额

(2021年5月5日;香港) 香港政府于四月廿九日起实施疫苗气泡措施,就餐饮处所的运作安排增加更多细则,其中提及若处所的员工已接种疫苗,则该处所可接待更多客人及延长营运时间[1]。然而,自政府于本年二月底日推出2019冠状病毒病疫苗接种计划,先后发生多宗市民在接种疫苗后的死亡个案,亦有市民在接种后出现心悸、胸部不适及高血压,以及血管迷走及神经性昏厥情况[2]。应否接种疫苗及在何时接种,对大部分市民而言,仍是一个极其困惑的问题。

就考虑是否接种有关疫苗一事,总部设于香港科学园的生物科技公司依纳康科技首席科技总监梁修珀博士指出,「打与不打,必须先要知道自身的免疫系统的活跃程度;如果体内的免疫系统正在打仗,则应慎重考虑延迟接种。 」

梁修珀专门研究人体内生物标志物变化近十年,他表示人体的「免疫系统活跃程度」是一个十分重要的指标, 让我们在接种前可评估出现并发症的风险,并在接种后知道疫苗是否在自己体内产生预期效用。


依纳康科技提供疫苗检测套装    透过唾液测试免疫系统活跃程度


梁修珀续指出,使用他们研发的「P4疫苗测试套装」,只需以唾液即可检测体内新蝶呤的指数。如指数不超过 10,则此时接种新冠疫苗的风险水平不高,一般来说如果没有其他已知的疾病的话是不用太担心。若指数在 10 至 20 的水平,则较建议使用者延后接种,并稍后再进行测试,看看新蝶呤水平是否回落。然而,若在反覆测试后指数仍然超过 20,则表示身体内的巨噬细胞非常活跃,当事人很有可能已受某种病毒或细菌感染,此时体内的免疫系统非常活跃,使用者实不应此时接种疫苗。




提供1,000个免费检测名额  助饮食业从业员作出决定


依纳康科技行政总裁伦月嫦表示:「有见政府就饮食业提出的疫苗气泡安排,可能令不少正在踌躇是否接种疫苗的从业员更着急。就此我们决定向饮食业人士提供1,000个免费检测新蝶呤名额,期望可协助部分有需要的从业员在决定是否接种疫苗一事上,获得多一项资讯以供考虑。有兴趣的人士可前往该公司网页填写申请表格,亦可于办公时间致电或发Whatsapp短讯至 2210-5022, 及发送电邮至 email info@superemrusa12.com/enanocom 申请,名额先到先得。



依纳康科技有限公司是香港科学园生物医药科技培育计划(Incu-Bio)扶植的创业公司,该公司基于其专利技术平台开发了一系列用唾液做测试的产品,以使个人能够在疾病前期阶段自我监测其健康风险,以便尽早干预、减轻或延缓疾病的发展。该公司已经推出的测试产品包括糖尿病和中风风险,早期病毒感染测试,疫苗测试,压力,吸烟,营养和维生素等健康测试。依纳康科技有限公司在过去曾获得了多个国际科技发明及商品化奖项,包括: 瑞士日内瓦国际奖,安永企业家奖 (EY Accelerating Entrepreneurs) ,国际商业机器公司奖项(IBM-Best Emerging Technology Award)等等。

如欲联络依纳康科技,请致电9632 2883与伦月嫦联络。



实习生为长者介绍了有关Kiss & Tell的详情,并讲解了糖尿病的相关资讯。长者亦即场试用Kiss & Tell。

实习生为他们讲解了公司的产品,其中包括Kiss & Tell,P4测试及P4食疗。

实习生为他们讲解了公司的产品,其中包括Kiss & Tell,P4测试及P4食疗。