

COVID-19 has created an abundance of unexpected opportunities for healthcare technology companies. eNano Health Limited is jumping in with both feet to manage outbreaks and identify future indicators of viral loads.

eNano has a long history in the healthcare technology industry, starting with providing electronic medical records to US-based physicians and wellness providers. During this time, Chief Scientist Patrick Leung recognized how combining data points identifies future health concerns that patients can mitigate through awareness with lifestyle changes, often years in advance of a diagnosis. Mr. Leung then focused on identifying other data points that could enhance their program and settled on saliva as a critical focus. eNano uses their Hong Kong research lab to isolate these data points in saliva and create new tests centered on specific risks and what lifestyle changes may prevent future issues.

Winnie Leung, President, and CEO states, “We can combine existing credible research, with the data we isolate in saliva, like amino acids and various biomarkers, that when combined with even simple surveys, can point to early risks indicators of concerning diseases like cancer, diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular diseases where early intervention via healthy lifestyle changes and treatment is a gamechanger. This idea is exciting, and we have moved forward seeking potential US-based partners.”

COVID – 19 has escalated some of their research because, as with any disease or foreign intruder in our bodies, saliva shows the body’s response to viruses. We can use saliva in multiple ways to assist in pandemic control. eNano has two key areas of research currently developing. They are,

1.) Finding early indicators of the immune system’s activation in response to viral infection to suggest temporary self-quarantine to protect their family, co-workers, and community and deploy wellness regimes – like specific foods or supplements. eNano’s saliva test can isolate data (in a particular number range) that shows something like a virus is active in our system. This allows for detection, early isolation, and early self-care.

2). Showing efficacy rates of current vaccines. Just like with the virus itself, every person responds differently. A saliva test can show the immune system’s response to vaccination. This knowledge allows organizations, governments, and individuals to move forward with confidence knowing they are safe as evidenced by the positive confirmation from the post-vaccine test.

eNano is currently invested in pilot programs in Hong Kong and the United States. John Seely, Executive Director of The Empowering Lives Foundation in Western Pennsylvania and Cleveland, Ohio (later this year), is actively engaged in a pilot program with eNano. He shares his enthusiasm, “This could be invaluable for us. While we have only recently begun our pilot program, we are already discovering evidence of vaccine efficacy and other wellness indicators leading to refining programs for the people we support. The more we know about the at-risk population we serve, the better we can create wellness through nutritional support and lifestyle changes to support them in living healthy, independent everyday lives. Many of them have an incomplete medical history; this tool gives us better insights at a low cost. Coupled with detecting a virus early, we can reduce the risk of spread or greater complications, possibly reducing healthcare costs. We are excited to see where this leads.”

To connect with The Empowering Lives Foundation, contact John Seely:




以唾液測試專利技術  提供1,000個免費檢測名額



(2021年5月5日;香港) 香港政府於四月廿九日起實施疫苗氣泡措施,就餐飲處所的運作安排增加更多細則,其中提及若處所的員工已接種疫苗,則該處所可接待更多客人及延長營運時間[1]。然而,自政府於本年二月底日推出2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃,先後發生多宗市民在接種疫苗後的死亡個案,亦有市民在接種後出現心悸、胸部不適及高血壓,以及血管迷走及神經性昏厥情況[2]。應否接種疫苗及在何時接種,對大部分市民而言,仍是一個極其困惑的問題。



就考慮是否接種有關疫苗一事,總部設於香港科學園的生物科技公司依納康科技首席科技總監梁修珀博士指出,「打與不打,必須先要知道自身的免疫系統的活躍程度;如果體內的免疫系統正在打仗,則應慎重考慮延遲接種。 」



梁修珀專門研究人體內生物標誌物變化近十年,他表示人體的「免疫系統活躍程度」是一個十分重要的指標, 讓我們在接種前可評估出現併發症的風險,並在接種後知道疫苗是否在自己體內產生預期效用。






依納康科技提供疫苗檢測套裝    透過唾液測試免疫系統活躍程度






梁修珀續指出,使用他們研發的「P4疫苗測試套裝」,只需以唾液即可檢測體內新蝶呤的指數。如指數不超過 10,則此時接種新冠疫苗的風險水平不高,一般來說如果沒有其他已知的疾病的話是不用太擔心。若指數在 10 至 20 的水平,則較建議使用者延後接種,並稍後再進行測試,看看新蝶呤水平是否回落。然而,若在反覆測試後指數仍然超過 20,則表示身體內的巨噬細胞非常活躍,當事人很有可能已受某種病毒或細菌感染,此時體內的免疫系統非常活躍,使用者實不應此時接種疫苗。









  • 評估接種疫苗風險,免去因在不適當時候接種疫苗引致併發症;
  • 確知疫苗在進入身體後是否帶來預期效果,例如免疫系統是否真的有被訓練起來,懂得在病毒入侵時作出預期反應;
  • 透過準確追蹤自己體內的不同生物標記如皮質醇、孕酮、胰島素、可鐡寧等等,便能更早察覺潛在的身體問題。例如,若體內的氨基酸水平較低,即表示在病毒入侵時自身的免疫系統便無法及時運作;另外又如體內的葉酸過低時,剛顯示中風的機會較高。當得知身體欠缺那些營養要素後,便可從起居飲食各方面作出及時改變。 



提供1,000個免費檢測名額  助飲食業從業員作出決定






依納康科技行政總裁倫月嫦表示:「有見政府就飲食業提出的疫苗氣泡安排,可能令不少正在躊躇是否接種疫苗的從業員更著急。就此我們決定向飲食業人士提供1,000個免費檢測新蝶呤名額,期望可協助部分有需要的從業員在決定是否接種疫苗一事上,獲得多一項資訊以供考慮。有興趣的人士可前往該公司網頁填寫申請表格,亦可於辦公時間致電或發Whatsapp短訊至 2210-5022, 及發送電郵至 email info@superemrusa12.com/enanocom 申請,名額先到先得。









依納康科技有限公司是香港科學園生物醫藥科技培育計劃(Incu-Bio)扶植的創業公司,該公司基於其專利技術平台開發了一系列用唾液做測試的產品,以使個人能夠在疾病前期階段自我監測其健康風險,以便儘早干預、減輕或延緩疾病的發展。該公司已經推出的測試產品包括糖尿病和中風風險,早期病毒感染測試,疫苗測試,壓力,吸煙,營養和維生素等健康測試。依納康科技有限公司在過去曾獲得了多個國際科技發明及商品化獎項,包括: 瑞士日內瓦國際獎,安永企業家獎 (EY Accelerating Entrepreneurs) ,國際商業機器公司獎項(IBM-Best Emerging Technology Award)等等。



如欲聯絡依納康科技,請致電9632 2883與倫月嫦聯絡。





實習生為長者介紹了有關Kiss & Tell的詳情,並講解了糖尿病的相關資訊。長者亦即場試用Kiss & Tell。

實習生為他們講解了公司的產品,其中包括Kiss & Tell,P4測試及P4食療。

實習生為他們講解了公司的產品,其中包括Kiss & Tell,P4測試及P4食療。